Guest Educator: Cindy Moser
Our students were lucky enough to spend a morning learning more about the beauty industry from chemist Cindy Moser. Cindy and her team specialize in creating hair products – namely shampoo, conditioner, and styling products – for retail consumers and...
Client Perspective: Jeanne Greenly
Jeanne Greenly pictured with her regular student & stylist, Elizabeth Lennartz. Weekly appointments with loyal client Jeanne Greenly are never disappointing. One of the most energetic, high-spirited, and joyous 90 year old ladies you will ever meet, you can...
Why Cosmetology Students Should Embrace Social Media
If you are anything like me, you are constantly being bombarded with status updates, tagged pictures, tweets, live video steams, emails...and you love it! Granted, I probably spend more time using social media than the average person but it's part of my job!...